Country consolidates its position as the world’s number one exporter

The value of Peruvian blueberry exports is projected to exceed US$3bn by next year according to agriculture minister Ángel Manero.

Peruvian blues

Speaking during last week’s International Blueberry Seminar in Lima, the minister said this would consolidate Peru as the world’s leading blueberry exporter. In 2024, shipments totalled more than US$2.27bn.

Manero said that the government continues to support the growth of Peru’s agricultural sector through irrigation projects, land titling and new market openings, generating greater opportunities for Peruvian producers.

The minister highlighted the need to diversify products and markets, such as cherries and other new products that can reach more markets. “To this end, Midagri will promote the creation of the AgroAplica fund to provide incentives for new projects in agriculture, livestock, and other fields,” he said.