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A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the EU and Peru could be close after the South American country's minister for trade and tourism revealed that the final documents of the bilateral agreement could be signed this month.

Eduardo Ferreyros told the Andina news agency that FTA papers would be signed by parties from Peru, the EU and Colombia, which had also been negotiating its own deal with the European Union.

'We will sign the final documents in mid-March during a meeting between the chief negotiators from Peru, Colombia and the European Union,' he explained.

Mr Ferreyros highlighted the importance of the European Union as a trade partner for Peru, and noted that this will only increase when the FTA comes into force.

The breakthrough in FTA talks was made on 28 February following nine rounds of negotiations, Andina reported, with Marianne van Oteen, who headed up the European delegation in Peru, confirming that the deal would be signed in March.