French farmers

The European Commission is continuing its pursuit of state funds handed out to French farmers over the few years prior to 2009, with the end of the year set as the deadline, Europe1 reported.

The aid package of €500m was judged by the European Comission to be illegal, as it supposedly contravened competition rules.

That figure has now been lowered to some €300m, but producers still lack the resources to pay back the sum, with many facing bankruptcy should they cough up.

Before the end of the year, €300m are due to be reimbursed by around 10,000 producers, or an average of around €30,000 per farmer.

The amount must be paid back to avoid a European fine, according to agriculture minister Stéphane Le Foll, leaving the government with two options: continue trying to delay payment or find a legal way to offer financial assistance to the farmers.