Macfrut 2011 conference

There is just under one month to go until the doors of Macfrut are opened once again in Cesena, Italy, with this year's event offering not just the opportunity to view exhibitor's products and services but also a wide range of meetings, conferences and guided tours.

This year's event, the 28th version of Macfrut, will host the third edition of the European Fruit Summit, hosting experts from across the world, who will discuss the fresh produce market's outlook with a particular focus on topfruit, kiwifruit, citrus and vegetables.

On the second day of Macfrut, a full calendar of conferences mostly dedicated to research and innovation will be taking place, with a number of sectors reviewed including environmental growing systems, packaging and preservation.

Elsewhere, Sala Europa will host a seminar on agricultural development in the Mediterranean area and opportunities for the fruit and vegetable sector, while European cooperation proposals for the CAP post-2013 will be the main focus of a Round Table in the morning.

Friday 7 October will be dedicated to two increasingly important topics for the fruit and vegetable sector – responsible communication of health emergencies in the food sector and fresh-cut fruit and vegetables.

In addition, two days of guided tours are also scheduled for foreign traders attending Macfrut, with the first day dedicated to the lettuce industry with a visit to a company, a fresh product and fresh-cut product processing plant and a product variety field.

A second programme will focus on specialised vegetable growing and will involve a series of demonstration visits concerning harvesting, distribution, logistics and product marketing systems.