One year on from the Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI) Steering Committee unveiling its action plan to enhance the fresh produce industry's traceability capabilities, companies are now being encouraged to share feedback on the effectiveness of its adoption.
All industry members involved in the fresh produce supply chain are being encouraged to take part in an online survey, which is being conducted by the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) and United Fresh, to help the PTI Steering Committee assess the initiative's adoption and identify additional support needs.
'The associations developed this survey to collect feedback from the industry on PTI implementation,' said Dan Vache, vice-president of supply chain management at United Fresh. 'We can use the data to help the industry meet future PTI milestones and therefore improve traceability across the entire supply chain.'
The PTI is designed to help the fresh produce industry maximise the effectiveness of traceback procedures, while developing a standardised industry approach to traceability.
'Achieving standardised, whole-chain traceability is an important goal for the produce industry and the PTI provides a road-map for reaching that goal in the most efficient way possible,' said Dr Bob Whitaker, chief science office at PMA. 'The survey will provide valuable feedback on the industry's educational and informational needs, and issues that may be impacting implementation.'
The survey can be accessed via a link at