New York 2 apple

This year's season has been described as "textbook" thus far

The New York Apple Association (NYAA) is anticipting a strong season campaign this year as the state looks to bounce back from a 2012 campaign hit by frosts following an early spring, that eventually reduced the autumn harvest to half its usual size.

In a bid to turn around their fortunes, growers have taken measures such as planting thousands of new trees, a wider rnage of varieties and adding greater packing capacity.

“Most important for New York apple lovers in our state, we can better deliver on our commitment to get our apples to you fresher and faster than anywhere else,” said NYAA president Jim Allen. “After all, we have literally millions of apple branches near you.”

Allen also noted that this year’s weather is following more typical patterns, unlike last year’s very early spring, with the southern Hudson Valley expected to be in full bloom by May Day.

“So far this season is textbook perfect,” he continued. “We know our short crop last year left everyone with a taste for more. We’ll be back soon.'