The Northwest cherry crop is shaping up in the US, with the bloom period and pollination complete in most areas of the five-state region, although a cooler spring has pushed harvest dates back to a predicted 3 June start.
That is the verdict of the latest crop report by Northwest Cherry Growers, which has pegged volumes at 20 per cent-30 per cent less than the record crop recorded in 2009. Overall, the crop is expected to ship out between 14m-15.5m 20lb-equivalent boxes.
Initial shipments are expected to begin the week of 1 June with volumes available 10 days to two weeks later, compared with the previous season when shipments began on 14 June.
'Look for excellent fruit size and brix levels in 2010 as natural bud thinning and enhanced pruning will provide exceptional fruit-to-leaf ratio throughout fruit development,' James Michael of Northwest Cherry Growers noted. 'Though some sub-regional areas have experienced inclement weather, warm weather throughout the Northwest over the next 10 days will provide prime conditions for the continuing development of the crop and the accumulation of sugar solids.'