CL Port of San Antonio

The latest walkout at the Port of San Antonio resulting from a long-running labour dispute between port workers and the government has been met with widespread condemnation. Port operator San Antonio Terminal Internacional (STI) said the strike, which started on Friday and is set to last indefinitely, was “deeply worrying” and had already caused major disruption to the normal functioning of the terminal and services to clients.

“We regret that this conflict is being played out in such an arbitrary and unfair manner and is affecting not only the service we provide to our clients but also the interests of the country’s import and export sector,” STI said in a statement.

Exporter association Asoex also slammed the latest walkout, claiming it worsened an already grave situation within the fruit industry caused by last September’s freeze. President Ronald Bown accused port workers of exploiting the perishability of fruits and vegetables to protect their own interests.

“No sector of the national economy should have to suffer the consequences of actions over which they have no control,” he said. “The government must do all it can to protect the fruit industry’s right to transport and ship its products freely through Chilean ports.”

Bown added that the latest stoppage highlighted the need for the establishment of concrete labour agreements to ensure the smooth running of the country’s national port infrastructure.