Leading shippers Hamburg Süd and Maersk Line have announced that they are adding a second sling to their joint Asia-South Africa/South America East Coast service, effective July 2011.
The groups reduced the service to one sling during the slack season, but have now moved to further improve service quality and take account of heightened demand during the peak season.
The two slings are designed to be mutually complementary, the groups noted, and provide a comprehensive service package that accounts for a broad array of connections to both company's networks in Asia, South Africa and South America.
Sling one will have a port rotation of Busan, Shanghai, Ningbo, Yantian, Hong Kong, Tanjung Pelepas, Singapore, Santos, Itapoa, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio Grande, Itapoa, Paranagua, Santos, Singapore, Homg Kong and Busan.
The port rotation of Sling 2, meanwhile, is Shanghai, Nansha, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tanjung Pelepas, Durban, Suape, Sepetiba, Itajai, Santos, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Hong Kong and Shanghai.