Silvana Inta’s attractive appearance and “exceptional” taste make it ideal for the fresh market, developer says

Argentina’s National Institute of Agricultural Technology (Inta). Silvana Inta is a Japanese-style plum, obtained from the free pollination of the Letizia variety, described as having “exceptional” organoleptic characteristics.

Silvana Inta

“This variety has spherical fruits with an average weight of 110g and a two-tone skin that combines a yellow background and a bright red top that covers 80 per cent of its surface. The pale-yellow pulp is sweet and slightly acidic, making it a very attractive option for fresh consumption,” said Inta’s Gabriel Valentini, who is in charge of the Silvana’s development.

Silvana was registered in the National Registry of Varieties (RNC) at the beginning of 2024. Inta said it is already available for interested producers wishing to work through partnership agreements with the institution.

According to Valentini, the variety “has medium vigour, with semi-straight growth, and requires approximately 510 hours of winter cold for proper development”. It is harvested from around 10-15 January, making an attractive option due to its production season. However, Valentini added that it is self-incompatible, “which implies the need to plant it next to another variety of plum tree whose flowering is coincident.”