Six new members have opted to join the US-based Reusable Packaging Association (RPA), the collaborative effort to promote the environmental, safety and economic benefits of reusable packaging.

According to the RPA, the groups include end-user companies Pilgrim's Pride Corp, Ready Pac Produce and Tanimura & Antle, traceability specialist YottaMark, and reusable support organisations the California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) and StopWaste.Org.

The organisation said that it had specifically targeted end-users – groups that utilise a reusable packaging asset in its supply chain for the movement of goods from manufacturing/processing to its customers – to address packaging adoption barriers.

'The RPA has made a concerted effort to recruit end-users because they are the most in touch with the barriers to the adoption of new reusable packaging applications in their segment of the supply china, and they can provide insight on how to improve existing applications,' said Chris MacGrory, membership committee chairperson of RPA. 'These three high-profile companies will help give voice to the end-user segment of the supply chain, and will help guide the RPA's future initiatives.'

In order to specifically deal with the end-user segment of the RPA, the group has formed the Reusable Packaging Association End-User Advisor Council, which is expected to be fully populated by late summer 2009.

'Our increasing number of members demonstrates the increased awareness of the economic and environmental benefits of reusable packaging systems,' said RPA president Jerry Welcome. 'We are pleased to welcome our new end-user members and YottaMark, StopWaste.Org and CRRA, and we look forward to their ideas for furthering the mission of the RPA.'