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US-based Salyer American Fresh Foods, which effectively closed its doors in May, has suffered a further blow with the news that two companies have filed lawsuits alleging the group is in breach of contract.

Hertz Equipment Rental and Classic Farms have claimed that they are owed US$10,000 for equipment rental and US$109,000 for leaf lettuce and broccoli respectively, the latest in a line of similar claims against Salyer, according to The Packer.

Earlier in the year, Wilbur Ellis claimed that it was owed US$389,000 for unpaid services over the past two years, while Crop Production services is suing for unpaid services and supplies over a four-year period.

Salyer American closed in May after lenders refused to advance furthermoney to pay for crops that had already been cultivated, following therevelation that lenders were suing the group over claims that it hadn'tpaid back a US$35m loan taken out in 2007.