Port of Tampa expansion

The Port ofTampa Bayhas announced the recent appointment of Gregory Celestan as thenewest commissioner for Florida’s largest port.

Celestan, appointed for a four-year term by govenor Rick Scott, is expected to attend his first official board meeting April 15.

Celestan is founder and CEO of Celestar Corporation, a consulting firm that provides support to the U.S. government and private industries worldwide, headquartered in Tampa. His term will end on 25 November 2017.

“We look forward to working with our new port commissioner, Greg Celestan, who has been a very active and well-respected professional in Tampa for a long time,' said port president and CEO {aul Anderson. 'Our excellent board of commissioners will be enhanced by the impressive leadership skills and savvy that Celestan will bring to the table, and I am looking forward to his impact upon the board, the port community and to the momentum of our world-class port.'

Port ofTampa Bay is Florida’s largest port and the largest economic engine in west central Florida, supporting nearly 80,000 jobs and generating almost US$15bn in annual economic impact.