Chile has posted a new cherry export record after sendings hit 69,335 tonnes this season (2011/12), marking an increase of 19.7 per cent against 2010/11, according to Asoex-SimFRUIT.
The result cements Chile’s position as a major global player on the cherry market as well as the leading grower-exporter in the Southern Hemisphere.
Asia remains the leading destination for Chilean cherries, where volume this season rose by 59 per cent, Asoex said.
Asia now accounts for 62 per cent of Chile’s cherry sendings, up from 46 per cent last season, according to Asoex data.
The US and European markets, meanwhile, reduced their importance as export destinations, with their share of the volume falling from 35 per cent to 22 per cent and 10 per cent to 8 per cent respectively.
Latin America recorded a slight increase of 1 per cent in its export participation.
Bing represented the main exported variety at 51,779 tonnes, or 74.7 pr cent of the total, followed by Lapins, Sweetheart and Santina.
The export season fared similarly to 2010/11 with a slow start in week 44 (the first week of November) followed by a peak in volume in week 51 with more than 17,000 tonnes exported before sendings fell sharply in week 52 and finally ending in week 5.
Despite the upturn in exports, Chile has experienced a tough cherry season in China following an oversupply of fruit before Chinese New Year.