German retailer’s strategic partnership with Cimcorp is optimising processes at its logistics centre in Coswig

Netto, Germany’s largest grocery discounter and part of the Edeka Group, has optimised the logistics processes at its Coswig facility by teaming with automated solutions provider Cimcorp.

Cimcorp Netto automation

This, the retailer noted, helped it meet growing demand while ensuring “the highest standards of efficiency and customer satisfaction”, with fresh produce delivered to stores within 24 hours of being received at the distribution centre.

“Our partnership with Cimcorp was an important and strategic decision,” commented Christina Stylianou, head of corporate communications at Netto. “They provided us with competent support for the technical challenges. We are completely satisfied with the result.”

Automation systems at distribution centres offered many benefits, the group outlined, including precision and speed, reduced risk of delays or errors and therefore increased reliability.

This in turn brought shorter lead times and more precise order fulfilment, it confirmed, which increased customer satisfaction and kept the company competitive.

“We needed effective, reliable process support for warehouse operations, and that meant having reliable support services,” she said.

Crates of fresh produce can weigh up to 20kg. Lorries are packed 2 metres high, and loading 20kg crates to that height often presents a challenge for human workers; logistics technology helps to make their jobs easier.

“While automation brings long-term advantages, our focus is still on optimising efficiency while maintaining the same quality of customer service, improving employee satisfaction and safeguarding local jobs,” explained Stylianou.

Automation was set to play a key role in increasing future efficiency and competitiveness in the retail sector, the group outlined, especially in light of the current labour availability situation across the logistics industry.

Indeed, automation had allowed Netto to optimise its system utilisation, maximise efficiency and control its dynamic operational landscape effectively.

In particular, automation had helped the retailer design its processes in the Coswig logistics centre to ensure greater stability and meet production targets, it revealed, ensuring “consistent and reliable service for Netto’s customers”.

Netto said automation had never been an end in itself – its goal had been continuous optimisation of efficiency at its Coswig site to improve customer service.

The retailer said it was committed to continually optimising its use of the system, resulting in efficiency improvements within its logistics processes.

“Cimcorp provided prompt and competent technical support to overcome the technical challenges of the project, making the introduction of automation at the logistics centre considerably easier for Netto,” the retailer added.

“Effective communication channels and cooperation have enabled problems to be solved immediately, no matter where the parties have been located.”