Norbert Dentressangle truck

International transport and logistics provider Norbert Dentressangle (ND) has launched a new cold storage facility in Saint Georges d'Espéranche, southeast France, designed to support food industry customers in the region.

The multi-temperature site employs 70 people and provides both frozen and chilled storage, an ND statement explained, bringing the total amount of capacity in the Lyon region to 72,000m3 of frozen and 6,000m3 of chilled storage.

To accommodate continued growth in the company's temperature-controlled business in southeast France, the company already plans to extend the new site by a further 18,000m3.

The new site supports efficient storage and distribution for both full and part loads, with 'guaranteed temperature integrity and traceability throughout the supply chain', while the site's refrigeration system employs natural CO2 gas and has facilities for the treament and recycling of both water and waste.

Across Europe, ND operates 27 frozen and chilled sites in 10 countries, with a combined storage capacity of 2,800,000m3, generating sales of more than €400m in 2011.