Natures Pride relocation moving

Dutch fresh produce importer Nature's Pride is to start building a new headquarters after confirming plans to relocate towards the end of this year, a move designed to ensure the company keeps pace with anticipated growth.

The exotics specialist has been located in Maasdijk, near Rotterdam since 2007, but significant expansion over the intervening period has prompted it this week to purchase a new 3.1ha site in the nearby Honderdland business park, just a stone’s throw from its current home.

Director Shawn Harris said she was very satisfied with the planned relocation. "We feel at home in Maasdijk, as a majority of our employees live in the surrounding Westland area," she commented. "For us it's very exciting that we can start building new offices, packaging facilities, ripening rooms and a warehouse to maintain the highest service levels in the industry by delivering the freshest, best-tasting exotics to our customers at a moment's notice."

She added: "The new building will also be a major step forward in realising our sustainability ambition to minimise our carbon footprint."

Construction work is scheduled to begin at the start of February and due for completion in November.