The Greenery Nature Counts April 2012

Some of The Greenery's most sustainable growers have been recognised by the group for their efforts in sustainability by being awarded the Nature Counts label.

According to the Dutch organisation, the label was handed to four new growers on 13 April during the Coforta Day, held at the Floriade flower and horticultural show.

'Sustainable cultivation is a precondition for growers affiliated with The Greenery,' the group said. 'However, several of these growers have taken matters a step further. Their innovative cultivation and production methods are demonstrably more sustainable than traditional methods in the relevant specialism. Only products that have proved to be successful are considered for the Nature Counts label.'

The four new growers to be awarded with the Nature Counts label are Oirschot Organics, which grows organic vine tomatoes and bell peppers with consideration for nature and biodiversity; Westende Fruitteelt, which grows several pear varieties using a low residue method activated by cutting back on crop protection agents; Kwekerij Gerichhausen which reduces crop protection methods to a minimum through the use of a resilient cultivation method and reuses substrate mats over a 10-year period; and Bonny, located in Las Palmas, which has cut out the use of fossil fuels by installing three large windmills and solar panels.

'With the addition of these new growers, 7.4 per cent of the volume ofproduce from our Dutch growers is now produced under the NatureCounts label,' The Greenery added. 'Additionally, two of our leading foreign suppliershave also received this label.

'The products from our front runnershave come to feature prominently in The Greenery's wide range ofproducts, including the organic and international ranges. TheGreenery's initiative to inspire growers to embrace sustainablecultivation has been yielding rich rewards. The label alsofacilitates clear-cut communication on sustainable products withboth customers and consumers.'