Kimitec Agrocode

Organic fertiliser and plant protection specialist Agrocode has launched a new product that makes use of natural, beneficial fungi to help fresh produce growers achieve viable harvest even when faced with droughts or other tough production conditions.

With fresh produce growers in many of the world’s drier regions facing ever more extreme weather, the importance of realising the maximum potential of natural environments is now vital for achieving sustainable supplies of fresh fruits and vegetables.

To begin to address these needs, Agrocode – part of the Kimitec Group – has acquired the patent for Mycogel, which uses natural, beneficial fungi (mycorrhizae in vitro) to help plants endure extreme conditions, increasing water and nutrient absorption by crops.

The beneficial fungi present in the gel work to stimulate plant growth and survival during stress conditions, such as drought, salinity, poor soil quality or extreme pH.

Mycogel’s natural ingredients also help plants protect themselves against harmful bacteria, fungus or nematodes (pathogens) and pest attacks, while promoting greater plant vigour and survival after transplantation.

However, most importantly from a production point of view, the beneficial fungi present in the product help achieve an optimal nutritional balance in plants, in the process increasing crop yields and profitability.

Speaking about the launch of the product, Kimitec general manager Félix Garcia said Mycogel would help strengthen the company’s position in global markets.

“We have managed to achieve a perfect combination of water, nutrients and phosphorous in Mycogel, through which we can ensure a high crop production levels,” he said.

Garcia said Agrocode’s acquisition of the worldwide patent for Mycogel from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) would enable the company to enter and become technological leaders in the global market for mycorrhizal fungi inoculants.

“Our patent protects the in vitro manufacturing process of this mycorrhizae-based inoculant whose gel-basis enables perfect application via irrigation and maintains all forms of mycorrhization – not just the spores – in an active condition,” he explained.

Based in Almeria, Spain, Kimitec operates in more than 40 countries across the global, including the US, Israel and Brazil.