Rijk Zwaan

Dutch vegetable breeder Rijk Zwaan has revealed that it has launched the first cucumber variety displaying a high resistance to the cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV).

The variety, named '24-185 RZ', is designed to continue growing normally despite being infected with the virus, with no or hardly any symptoms of the virus on show to ensure strong quality and production.

In addition, the virus multiplies less quickly in the plant, Rijk Zwaan explained, so that the spread from plant to plant is slowed considerably.

24-185 RZ is suitable for summer and autumn cultivation and, as well as its high resistance to CGMMV, it also has intermediate resistance to mildew.

Vegetable varieties from the Dutch group that display similar high resistance traits are recognised with the BonDefense logo, which was developed by the company.

'Rijk Zwaan expects to launch more varieties with resistance to mosaic virus soon,' a news release read. 'They may be recognised by the BonDefense logo.'