Ahold Albert Heijn convenience

Dutch group Ahold has released its trading statement for the fourth quarter (Q4) and full-year of 2013, with mixed results.

For the fourth quarter, the retailer saw net sales slip 1.1 per cent at constant exchange rates to €7.5bn, with sales dropping 4.2 per cent at current exchange rates.

US sales dropped 2.1 per cent in Q4, reflecting a contracting food market and the sales effect of Hurricane Sandy in 2012, while Dutch sales actually climbed 0.7 per cent to €2.7bn, driven by a strong online performance.

In the Czech Republic, fourth-quarter sales slumped by 7.9 per cent to €338m, the group noted.

For the full year, however, consolidated net sales were €32.6bn, an increase of 2 per cent at constant exchange rates compared with 2012, although at current exchange rates sales fell 0.2 per cent.

US sales grew 1.1 per cent over the year, while Dutch sales increased 4 per cent to €11.5bn.

Meanwhile, the group has revealed that it will be making organisational changes to its European operations, including the fact that Ahold Europe will no longer exit as a business division.

'The company will refocus its current Ahold Europe operations and its leadership on building the Albert Heijn business in the Netherlands and adjacent markets through its various formats and channels,' the statement read.

Executive committee member Sander van der Laan will continue to lead Albert Heijn, and report to CEO Dick Boer. The company's Czech Republic business will report directly to CEO Dick Boer. Bol.com will continue to report to executive committee member and CCO Hanneke Faber and remains an 'important area of growth' for Ahold.

'The food retail industry continues to evolve rapidly and we see significant opportunities for growth to cater for the changes in the way that our customers shop,' said Dick Boer, CEO Ahold. 'Today's decision will bring management closer to running the business. By further strengthening the Albert Heijn brand in both the Netherlands as well as neighbouring markets, combined with a growing omni-channel offering via Albert Heijn online, Albert Heijn pick-up points, and Albert Heijn to go, we will be better positioned to meet customer needs and accelerate future growth.'