Mirabelle de Lorraine plum

Although producers of Mirabelle plums in the eastern French region of Lorraine anticipate a harvest around half the size of normal, expectations for the quality of the crop are extremely high, according to a report from Végétable.

A heavy frost during the flowering period in mid-April was responsible for slashing the volume to no more than 4,000 tonnes this year.

However, the fruit this season is reportedly of an exceptional size, helped by the good weather conditions of late May, while growers predict that the taste will be of a rare quality.

Should the weather remain favourable, growers expect picking to commence around 7 August.

Bruno Colin, director of Vegafruits, which combines the three fruit cooperatives in Lorraine, told Végétable: 'Whether the trees produce 100kg of fruit or 20kg, the costs for the producers are identical. Mirabelles of Lorraine will therefore be more expensive than last year.'