Novo team South Africa

The Novo team, from left to right: Konrad Joerdens, Henco Smit, Paul Smit, Sheila Gordon, Rudi du Toit, Wardo Conradie and Morne Boshoff

In South Africa, Paarl-based fruit packer Novo, which was re-opened in 2010 after a devastating fire destroyed its facilities in 2009, has reached a milestone by receiving Blue status from one of the world’s leading retailers.

UK retail giant Tesco’s Blue status is only bestowed on fruit packers by exception, and is based on higher standards than those required by the British Retail Consortium (BRC).

Novo is part of the Colors Group and has so far this year seen a 20 per cent growth in the volume of stonefruit and topfruit packed at the facility.

The Tesco Award was made at the recent Tesco Suppliers Conference held in South Africa to recognise efforts made by producers and exporters in improving excellence in supplying the United Kingdom retailer.

Wardo Conradie, Operational Manager of Novo Packhouse, who was also runner-up for Tesco’s Manager of the Year Award at the 2013 Tesco Africa Supplier Conference, says it is particularly rewarding to receive the Tesco Blue status Award so soon after the packhouse had re-opened.

“We are delighted and this will encourage us to strive for further excellence in our activities,' said Conradie.

Colors Chief Executive Riaan van Wyk noted that being successful in the international market required high standards in production, packing and logistics.

“Leading retailers require us to conform to the highest levels of environmental, food safety and packaging standards and receiving recognition from Tesco for our efforts is very important to us.”

The full story will appear in the upcoming September issue of Eurofruit Magazine