Mexico Supreme Quality

Mexico Calidad Suprema (MCS or Mexico Supreme Quality) presented its 2010 Masters of MCS Awards at a ceremony in Sonora, Mexico, last week.

The second year of this awards programme focused on US recipients, including retailers, wholesalers and distributors, who have been recognised by the Mexico Government and MCS for their efforts in promoting Mexico’s certified quality food.

Presented by MCS staffers, Diana Rojas and Faride Rubio, the 2010 US Masters of MCS award recipients are, in no particular order:

Charlie’s Produce, Seattle, WA, Master Wholesaler
Sun Fed, Nogales, AZ, Master Distributor
Mas Melons & Grapes, Nogales, AZ, Master Distributor
Spartan Foods, Grand Rapids, MI, Master Retailer
Supervalu, Eden Prairie, MN, Master Retailer/Wholesaler

“The second year of this awards programme was even better received than thefirst!,” said MCS general manager Liz Quintero. “Word has gotten around that it provides good exposure for our industry.”

“Again, our heartfelt congratulations go out to these award recipients who, despite the most challenging economy in memory, continue to support – and in many cases expand – their procurement and promotion of produce from Mexico,” Ms Quintero added.

The awards dinner was heldat sunset at the Vinas De La Costagrape ranch near the Sea of Cortez, with around90people in attendance, including new MSQ Ambassadors John Pandol (Pandol Bros) and Brian LaForest (Superior).