
The Mexican government is promoting the roll-out of plant pest control programme among local avocado growers in central Mexico with a view to widening the trade in the European Union.

In the medium-term it is hoped that the initiative will reduce the incidence of pests in avocado production and lead to the certification of groves and the eventual expansion of trade to Europe.

According to Mexico’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (Sagarpa), the scheme has the backing of the Agricultural Development Secretary of Ocuituco – a city in the state of Morelos, in central Mexico (Sedagro).

“If this programme has the expected results, it could open export markets in other parts of the world, principally Europe where the first exports of fruit have already been made,” explained Sedagro representative Bernardo Pastrana Gómez.

The scheme officially got underway in August and is expected to continue until November.