Mercadona square

Mercadona has issued a press release defending its fresh produce sourcing policy following rumours on social media that it wishes to delist Spanish producers in favour of foreign suppliers.

According to the statement, the retailer counts more than 120 so-called ‘inter-suppliers’ that are committed to providing 100 per cent Spanish products. Mercadona said more than 85 per cent of its sales volume is generated by products that have been grown, reared, fished or produced domestically.

In 2014 the supermarket chain bought more than €14.9bn of produce from Spain.

The press release also provides a link to a page that directly addresses some of the accusations that have been made against the company, such as where its olive oil, oranges, milk, and potatoes are sourced.

“For more than 30 years, Mercadona has supported national products and the wealth and employment creation for the country,” the supermarket said. “It works with primary producers and has stable agreements with 12,000 fishermen, 6,000 producers and 4,000 livestock farmers throughout Spain.