Fruitizz Happy Meal Mcdonalds

McDonald's, the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants, has dropped Innocent Smoothies from its UK menus, it has emerged.

Innocent Drinks, which is 58 per cent owned by the Coca-Cola Company, began supplying the smoothies to McDoland's five years ago for sale as part of children's Happy Meals.

However, earlier this year, McDonald's introduced Fruitizz, a fizzy blend of apple, grape, raspberries that is aimed at children and said to provide one of the daily recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables.

The US fast food giant has apparently also been working on developing its own private label drinks offer and, according to Marketing Week, recently began trialling two of its own fruit smoothies – aimed this time at adults – at several branches in Wales and at its Olympic Park restaurants.

The smoothies are already distributed widely in McDonald’s McCafe outlets in the US, Australia and Canada.