Rimini event reports biggest attendance to date as it maintains position as country’s leading fresh fruit and vegetable trade exhibition

Macfrut 2024 Cesena Fiera

The Macfrut 2024 team in Rimini

Italian fresh produce trade fair Macfrut has reported a sharp increase in visitor numbers to its latest event, which took place at the Rimini Expo Centre on 8-10 May.

According to organiser Cesena Fiera, attendance was up 13 per cent on the previous year, with more than 56,000 ‘entries’ recorded across the three days – a notable figure in what was its fourth post-pandemic meeting.

With just over 1,200 exhibitors – including co-exhibitors – listed in its show guide, Macfrut has held on to its position as Italy’s largest fruit and vegetable industry exhibition.

“I would like to endorse the observation that an exhibitor made to me during the event, which said that Macfrut has become an essential event to understand in which direction the sector is going,” stated Renzo Piraccini, president of Macfrut.

“This is the objective we have set ourselves, and the knowledge that the exhibitors have understood it tells us that we are going in the right direction,” he continued. “The teamwork of an entire supply chain is the winner at Macfrut, as confirmed by the success of this edition.

“For us, this goal is the starting point towards new challenges, aware that our country deserves an event of international scope. And precisely for this reason, starting tomorrow we will be working on an even richer and more international 2025 edition.”