Driscolls Lusa

Continued investment in the development of new strawberry varieties means consumers in northern Europe can now enjoy high-quality, sweet fruit that has been produced locally from early March.

That’s according to leading marketer Driscoll’s, which has noted an early start to the new season for local strawberries thanks to the progress made in growing a new trademarked, proprietary variety called Lusa.

As the group explains, Lusa is known for its large size, light red colour and flavour described as “exceptional”.

Dutch farmer Jan Diepstraten, part of the grower association Best ofFour, is growing the variety.

“Also this year, our glasshouse strawberries are very juicy and sweet,” he commented. “Driscoll's Lusa is a high-quality strawberry that stays fresh for a longer period of time.”

He added: “We put a lot of effort and care in our berry plants, so that right from the start of the season only the finest berries end up on the consumer’s plate.”

Driscoll’s also said it was expecting good things from one of its latest varieties, the exclusive and extra-sweet strawberry Driscoll’s Elizabeth, which will be harvested in May.