Lorna Christie PMA

In the US, Produce Marketing Association (PMA) president and CEO Bryan Silbermann has announced the pending departure of Lorna Christie, the group's executive vice-president and chief operating officer.

Christie, who will leave her role at the end of the month, has been at the PMA for over a decade and is now leaving to pursue her other business interests.

'Through Lorna’s dedication and tireless energy, she has been instrumental in creating and leading the development of a new generation of PMA member value,' said Silbermann said. 'Lorna brought us a unique approach to putting the consumer front and center as we address industry issues, especially food safety and increasing consumption.'

Christie added: 'For the past eleven years, I have had the privilege of serving PMA members from all over the world. I have been welcomed in your fields, your stores, and your homes. I owe our members a profound debt of gratitude for the inspiration they provided along the way.'