
US grocery retailer Kroger has announced its board of directors' long-term CEO succession plan, revealing that current president and COO Rodney McMullen will replace David Dillon as chief executive when he retires from the role in January.

According to Kroger, Dillon will remain at the group as chairman through until the end of December 2014.

McMullen joined Kroger in 1978 on a part-time basis on a stock crew and has been president and COO since 2009 and a director since 2003, having previously held a variety of senior management positions including vice-chairman, executive vice-president of strategy, planning, and finance, and chief financial officer.

'As Kroger implements its strategic growth initiatives, the time is right for the transition of leadership,' said Dillon. 'I am delighted that the board has elected Rodney McMullen to succeed me.

'Rodney has played a leadership role in every major decision Kroger has made for the past 25 years, including the development and implementation of Kroger's Customer 1st approach as well as our current growth strategy,' he added. 'He is ready to be CEO. I have been honoured to lead this great company for over ten years and look forward to assisting Rodney and the board in the transition while continuing to serve as chairman.'