Paolo Bruni Carlos Camet

CSO president Paolo Bruni (left) with Carlos Camet, president of Agap

At this week's World Food Moscow exhibition in Russia, Italian marketing and research organisation CSO (Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli) and the Peruvian association of agrarian producers' guilds (Agap) struck a deal to boost co-operation between the two countries.

The partnership will mean increased collaboration between the countries, including the monthly exchange of information on consumption trends, production forecasts and seasonal performances.

According to CSO's Federico Milanese, the countries' complementary seasons are a major reason behind such a co-operation deal.

'The agreement should lead to an increase in Peruvian exports of products like avocados, asparagus and mangoes, as they are products we don't have in Italy,' he said at World Food Moscow. 'We will also be able to provide all the necessary technological and packaging materials to Peru, as we have specialists in this area. The deal will involve the exchange of information and technology as well as produce.'

Milanese added that companies from both countries would be offered assistance in finding the right customer, while commercial trips between the countries would also be organised, the first of which will see an Italian delegation travel to Peru in November.

CSO president Paolo Bruni and Agap president Carlos Camet were on hand in Moscow to sign the agreement.