Parth Karvat Yupaa India centre Naturitalia nectarines stonefruit Mumbai

Parth Karvat of Yupaa (centre) welcomes the Naturitalia stonefruit consignment

Italian fresh produce group Naturitalia has begun shipping peaches and nectarines to India, a major commercial breakthrough not only for the company itself but also for the Mediterranean country as it bids to expand its fresh produce sales to emerging markets worldwide.

Naturitalia, which has been sending significant volumes of green- and yellow-fleshed kiwifruit to India under the Jingold brand as part of the Kiwigold Consortium, said it expected to see an increase in its fruit exports to the country over the coming years.

"We expect to expand further the range of products we offer consumers in this country," a spokesperson confirmed.

The stonefruit was shipped by airfreight to Mumbai, where it was due to be distributed by one of the country's leading importers, Yupaa, mainly to customers in the hotel, restaurant and catering sectors.

"The start of the marketing of Italian peaches and nectarines in this market has been extremely encouraging," the spokesperson added.

"The great appreciation shown by consumers for these fruits gives us good hope for the future and we will further increase the volume of stonefruit exported."

Naturitalia is set to continue supplying the Indian market with autumn and winter products such as apples, pears and kiwifruit in the coming months.