Campania map

Authorities in Campania, southern Italy, have launched a major new initiative designed to modernise the region's fresh fruit and vegetable sector and help producers diversify their businesses in order to meet growing market demand for fresh-cut produce.

As part of the Integrated Supply Chain Project (PIF), the region has earmarked some €38.4m – comprising just over €24.2m in public contributions alongside €13.2m of private funding – that will be used to upgrade facilities and infrastructure as well as strengthening the overall identity of Campanian products under a single regional brand.

In particular, the project will aim to develop the Piana del Sele (Sele Plain) area of Campania as a source of fresh-cut produce.

Groups involved in the new development include Alma Seges, Euro com, Unione Provinciale Agricoltura Salerno, Provincia di Salerno, CRA ORT and Ortofrutta plus.