Greenpeace Dirty Portfolios campaign

Italian police have seized the European Union's largest haul of counterfeit pesticides in a series of raids across Veneto, Lombardia, Ancona, Padova and Bari, according to the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA), with over 120 tonnes of illegal chemicals uncovered following a series of tip-offs to the country's Anticounterfeit and Health Unit.

The raid has been applauded by the ECPA, which collaborates in the country through its Italian association Agrofarma to gather intelligence and enforce regulations.

'The illegal import of pesticides poses serious risk to farmers, livestock, the environment and consumers,' said Rocky Rowe, head of the ECPA's Anticounterfeit Programme. 'The success of the Italian Anticounterfeit and Health Unit is an excellent achievement, but could be replicated almost anywhere in Europe, such is the seriousness and scale of the problem.'

ECPA said in a statement that with criminal organisations operating on different levels and producing 'sophisticated copies' at illegal manufacturing sites, it was important for national and European authorities to campaign and cooperate effectively.

'Buying pesticides on the black market is dangerous for farmers, workers and consumers,' Mr Rowe noted. 'Unlike legal, registered products, illegal pesticides have not been tested for human health impact and can contain unknown and untested toxic substances.

'Besides the obvious health threats for farmers and workers exposed to the products, residues of illegal substances could be carried into our food and compromise consumer health,' he added.
