Isaac Bon CFN Chile

Isaac Bon

Isaac Bon,managing director of Chilean fruit grower-exporter Compañía Frutera del Norte (CFN), will shortly hand over the company's reins to Germán Marín, who currently serves as production manager.

The change in leadership will take place on 1 September when CFN's offices will move to Coquimbo, just north of Santiago, Bon revealed to Eurofruit.

After 12 years at the helm of the company, Bon said it is time for new leadership at CFN.

Despite the move, Bon, who has been active in the Chilean fruit trade for 46 years, said he will remain a director of CFN.

He will also continue his involvement in the fruit industry, particularly within the Chilean table grape sector and especially in Asia where he said he has established good relationships.

In October 2011 Bon also stepped down from his position as vice-chairman of the Produce Marketing Association's (PMA) Chile Country Council.