Interrupcion website

Interrupcion, the organisation promoting fair and sustainable trading, has launched a new website under the 'Taste Me Do Good' banner, to provide consumers and retailers with educational tools on its fair trade produce items.

“The new site contains a wealth of information for consumers and retailers alike and is a convenient tool for educating the market on where our fresh products come from and how they are grown,” said Rafael Goldberg, CEO of Interrupcion Taste Me Do Good. “Consumers are increasingly making buying decisions based on social responsibility factors and our site helps explain the positive impacts our Taste Me Do Good fair trade products have on the agricultural workers and communities we rely on.”

The site highlights principal Taste Me Do Good products and explains varieties, nutritional information, social and environmental impacts, and usage suggestions.

“Our goal with this website is to educate consumers about how our products and our values address their concerns and needs and provide them with healthy and nutritious options that empower them to connect their purchasing power to the creation of better outcomes for everyone,' Goldberg added.

Retailers may find the site useful as an employee education tool, Goldberg suggested.

“The site generates a full understanding of the components, characteristics and differences in our products,” he continued. “It’s an easy reference on the various production methods and social impacts for retail associates to better educate themselves and be able to answer customer inquiries.”

The site also serves as a ready-to-use promotional tool for retail customers.

“Stores can capitalise on the tremendous amount of information to educate their customers by linking with us and sharing on social media outlets,” suggested Goldberg. “Additionally, ready-to-use Point of Sale materials and signs can be downloaded and printed for use in-store.”

Interrupcion foresees working with retailers to foster even greater demand for Taste Me Do Good* Fair Trade products.

“We want to transparently communicate and report on social and environmental impacts generated by our organisation to inspire visitors about the power of their purchases,” added Goldberg. “With our retail partners, we can work together to better reach those customers who truly care about these issues.”