Macfrut hall overhead shot

The global flavour of this year's Macfrut event, the international show for the fresh produce industry held in Cesena, Italy, is outlined by the presence of numerous new exhibitors and the increased focus on emerging nations.

'Internationality' is the key word for the show, according to the event's organisers, with more than 20 per cent of total exhibitors coming from overseas, breaking the Macfrut record.

Meanwhile, emerging nations such as Turkey and Egypt have taken large stands at the event, and for the first time a delegation of business people from Zambia will take part in the show.

'The participation of Zambia is the result of contacts that were started with some agriculture ministers of the Sub-Saharan area and of later meetings,' said Macfrut president Domenico Scarpellini. 'The delegates of this country already applied for participation in the bilateral meetings between Italian exhibitors and foreign companies organised on occasion of Macfrut, showing a strong interest in the nursery sector and in the cold chain.'

Prior to the start of the event, experts and business people from across Europe are set to meet on 5 October at the second edition of the European Fruit Summit, examining the production estimations for crops such as apples, pears, kiwifruit and citrus.

On the first day of the show (6 October), the European G20 meeting on fruit will take place in a bid to deal with the problem of rules and of reciprocity in trade relations.