
Spanish interprofessional fresh produce association Hortyfruta, which represents growers’ groups in Andalusia, has accused rival association Ecohal of attempting to “dynamite years of work to improve the image and quality of the sector” by opposing new quality and promotional standards.

In a statement, the Almería-based organisation claimed Ecohal's legal attempt to block the changes was “trying to achieve the disorganisation of the Andalusian fruit and vegetable sector at a time when it should work together for unity and growth”.

Hortyfruta said it was seeking to expand current standards to improve the image and quality of fresh produce from the southern Spanish region, as well as to differentiate Andalusian products from those of competitor countries.

“The extension of the standard is vital to improve our image, differentiate ourselves and gain competitiveness in European markets,” said the association.

“All associations have the right by law to apply for an extension to the standards and Hortyfruta has exercised its right in compliance with the law for the good of the whole sector.”

Hortyfruta currently claims to represent approximately 80 per cent of Andalusia’s fruit and vegetable sector, while Ecohal is associated with much of the rest of the industry.
