Variety is described as the ’first yellow heart-shaped tomato’, specifically designed for heated glasshouse cultivation

Flamansun tomatoes HM Clause

HM Clause has introduced Flamansun, a new tomato variety that it has said is ”set to transform the market with its unique characteristics and exceptional quality”.

According tot he French vegetable seed company, Flamansun is the first yellow heart-shaped tomato with a distinctive flamed appearance, specifically designed for heated glasshouse cultivation.

The variety offers several key benefits, it said, including an attractive appearance that remains consistent through the season; a balanced flavour profile; high resistance to cladosporium (HR) and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (IR); high yield potential; and good shelf-life.

”Flamansun’s regular size, ranging from 220g to 260g, and its exceptional culinary presentation make it a versatile addition to any kitchen,” HM Clause stated.

”Whether used in salads, sauces, or as a garnish, Flamansun is sure to impress with its unique look and taste.

”HM Clause continues to lead the way in agricultural innovation, providing growers with high-quality, reliable varieties that meet the demands of modern agriculture,” the group added.

”Flamansun is a testament to our commitment to excellence and our dedication to supporting the agricultural community with superior products.”