RSA Midknights arrive in US Oct 2011

South African Midknight oranges are in such high demand among US importers and retail stores that special arrangements have had to be made to discharge a vessel carrying the fruit during off hours, according to a press release from Western Cape Citrus Producers Forum (WCCPF).

Working with the shipping partner Seatrade together with the Holt Terminal in Gloucester City, New Jersey, the vessel, Cool Express, was discharged over a weekend to enable the product to be available as soon as possible on grocery shelves.

“Our importers told us that the stores wanted and needed the fruit as soon as we could get it to them,” said Suhanra Conradie, CEO of WCCPF.

“Fortunately, two more vessels are due in from South Africa in the next two weeks so product will be available to consumers well into November.”

The Midknight Orange is a Valencia varietal and is a particularly coveted fruit; recognised for its excellent eating quality, WCCPF said.

It is smaller than a typical Navel orange, seedless, very juicy and sweet, and has an appealing texture and taste.Typically, it is the last product of the South African summer citrus season.

“This orange becomes the last taste of South Africa each season for US consumers and this year the fruit looks very good,” said Conradie.

“It promises an excellent memory from a good season of South African summer citrus and gives consumers something to look forward to when the season begins next June.”

Since 1999, shipments of South African summer citrus fruits to the US have increased from 50 tonnes to about 40,000 tonnes expected this year.

The product line-up includes clementines, Navel oranges, Midknights and Star Ruby grapefruit.