Norbert Dentressangle SMALL PIC

International transport and logistic service provider Norbert Dentressangle has reported that group revenue for 2011 climbed 26 per cent, or 5.6 per cent at a like-for-like exchange rate and consolidation basis, up to €3.6bn from €2.8bn last year.

The group revealed sustained growth in transport, up 20.2 per cent to just under €2bn, as well as logistics, up 28.2 per cent to €1.6bn.

'Norbert Dentressangle maintained a healthy rate of growth throughout the year and posted a sharply higher 2011 consolidated revenue of €3.6bn,' said chief executive François Bertreau. 'Acquisitions in 2011 have bolstered our group's international profile and put us in very good standing in the freight forwarding market.

'Despite this solid performance, we have remained watchful of changes taking place in our customers' business, which at the end of the year is showed signs of slowing,' he added.