
Mario Cervantes of Hazel Tech

Hazel Technologies has released details of its virtual Apple Quality Summit, which takes place this Friday.

The one-hour, free-to-attend event will feature keynote speakers from across the industry ahead of the start of the 2021 North American apple season.

It will include presentation on the latest category trends and the performance of different varieties across retail segments led by Ann-Marie Roerink of 210 Analytics.

Also on the programme is a Grower Perspectives Panel featuring Tom Facer of Farm Fresh First and Roger Umlor of Umlor Orchards, exclusive apple grower for BelleHarvest Sales, as well as postharvest solutions discussions by Hazel Tech’s Enrique Garcia Perez and Mario Cervantes.

“The apple category size, in addition to the dynamic pre- and post-harvest technologies Hazel Techbrings to the apple industry, are a few of the exciting reasons to highlight this innovative category at the upcoming summit,” said Ann- Roerink.

Umlor commented: “The learning curve never ends and there is always something new in the farming industry. At Umlor we keep up on new technologies, varieties, and farming techniques in general, but every year is different.

“This forum is a great opportunity to share our experiences and to support the category through the exchange of new information.”

Umlor Orchards farms on 600 acres, with over 340 acres dedicated to apples that are packed and stored for BelleHarvest Sales, one of the largest apple marketers in the Eastern US and the second largest apple packer in Michigan.

Farm Fresh First includes growers and managers from across the US. Specific to apples, the company has invested heavily in advancing New York state growers and markets fruit for over 100 individual growers.

“Our industry faces an ever-changing set of challenges. At Farm Fresh First we believe in expanding agricultural research so growers can stay ahead of these challenges, stay in operation and continue to deliver top-quality produce to consumers,” said Facer.

Hazel Tech said its ability to integrate fruit quality protection technology across the supply chain set the company apart from other shelf-life extension products.

Postharvest scientist Garcia Perez will present on conditioning recommendations and postharvest quality protection for popular varieties.

In addition, Cervantes, senior business development manager at Hazel Tech, will discuss the suite of technologies developed by Hazel to meet growers’ diverse needs.

Hazel solutions tailored for the apple category include Hazel 100 bin and box sachets ideal for early season partial application, Hazel CA quick-release 1-MCP and Hazel Datica coldstorage monitoring.

Hazel Tech said its quality summits aimed to bring together experts and leaders in postharvest research, qualitative and quantitative market analytics, farming, and shelf-life extension technology to present at their crop focused virtual events.