Hamburg Süd ship

Germany-based shipper Hamburg Süd has announced that, subject to regulatory approval, it will extend its WAMS service which runs between the US, Mexico and Colombia to northern Europe and Morocco from February this year.

The service currently connects the US west coast, Mexico and Guatemala with Cartagena, Colombia, but from next month the route will be broadened to include Tangier, Morocco, Rotterdam in the Netherlands, Hamburg, the French port of Le Havre and Tilbury, UK.

The first sailing under the new rotation will be with the ‘Cap Palmerston’ from Vancouver on 7 February 2011, one of 10 vessels that will run as part of the extended service.

The complete port rotation will feature: Long Beach – Oakland – Seattle – Vancouver – Oakland – Long Beach – Manzanillo (Mexico) – Lazaro Cardenas – Puerto Quetzal – Cartagena – Tangier – Rotterdam – Tilbury – Hamburg – Le Havre – Cartagena – Puerto Quetzal – Lazaro Cardenas – Long Beach.