Hage Greenery gold star fruit

Hagé International, the import arm of leading Dutch fresh produce group The Greenery, is set to become the first company to introduce gold star fruit (also known as carambola) to the European market.

From this week, Hagé will source and market the fruit year-round in conjunction with Brazilian supplier John Saloutti, which discovered the gold star fruit variety in 1997.

The gold star fruit will be sold and marketed as an exotic, ready-to-eat product, the company confirmed.

The product will be offered in packs of two, although other pack sizes and packaging types can apparently be made available depending on demand.

'In recent months, taste, quality and durability tests have been carried out and the logistics process has been optimised in order to bring the product to market,' commented a spokesperson for Hagé.

According to the spokesperson, the fruit is juicy, sweet and suitable as a healthy snack or as an accompaniment for fruit salads and cocktails.