Guy Dixon

Guy Dixon

The European fresh produce industry is coming to terms with the tragic loss of fruit and grocery sector veteran Guy Dixon, commercial director at both MMG Citrus and Martinavarro, who has died in a shooting accident.

The accident occured on 24 November in the Spanish town of Quart de les Valls, where Dixon lived with his wife and three children. His funeral took place two days later.

A spokesperson for the Fresca Group, of which MMG Citrus was a subsidiary, said: 'Within the citrus industry, Dixon was a well-known and greatly respected character. His forward thinking was absolutely fundamental in the formation of MMG Citrus itself.

The spokeperson added: 'To his very many friends around the world, he will always be remembered for his enthusiasm and commitment to the business but even more for his smile, friendship and support.

'Our thoughts at this time remain very firmly with his wife, his three children and with all those who feel this terrible sadness at a life lost too soon.'

Dixon previously worked for Marks & Spencer and Tesco in the UK, but had been Martinavarro's commercial director for the last decade.

He was largely responsible for the group's expansion, developing ties with production centres in Almassora, Sollada, Sueca, Xeraco and Huelva, and introducing an original model for business integration and distribution to its subsidiaries.

It is understood that Dixon died while out indulging in one of his favourite pastimes, hunting.