Emirates shipping

Carriers in the Middle East have recorded the biggest rise in cargo volumes during the month of September than in any other region, according to data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and reported in Gulf News.

The region’s carriers saw growth of 17 per cent year-on-year, IATA said, with capacity increasing by 14.5 per cent.

Meanwhile, the global average for cargo volumes was up 5.2 per cent in September compared with the year before.

“Airlines in the region are capturing opportunities for growth by introducing services to regions of strong and developing trade activity, including Africa and Central America,” IATA stated.

The association added that volumes were increasing in part due to 'service offerings for important commodities like perishables'.

It also noted that Africa recorded the second highest growth, with 11.5 per cent, while European carriers experienced the weakest cargo volumes for September, down 1.6 per cent, as 'Eurozone economies slow down and the impact of sanctions on Russia continues'.