
Catalan deciduous fruit specialist GrupActel is set to market its first commercial volumes of citrus this season. Sales director Jordi Gazquez (pictured, second right) said production will come from farms in Tarragona and Seville, with clementines and oranges. “We aim to market approximately 25,000 tonnes in 2013/14, boosting our annual sales volume by 25 per cent,” he said.

The citrus, which is being sold under the Soldebre brand, is being sold mainly in Europe with smaller quantities also being shipped to the Middle East. Gazquez said the addition of citrus to GrupActel’s line-up is part of a wider strategy to become a year-round supplier and offer an improved level of service to its clients. The company is also expanding into new regions such as Latin America, where it has established a regular programme supplying topfruit to Brazil.