Dimmidisi smoothie

Italian firm La Linea Verde, a leading distributor of salads, smoothies and other fresh convenience products, has reported a 5 per cent annual increase in turnover for 2009.

The result was described as a very positive one by the group's commercial and logistics director Massimo Bragotto.

'We have worked to consolidate 2008's very positive results by following the same guidelines of product quality and innovation, an approach which this year has enabled us to achieve great success on the market and to increase our market share,' he commented.

In particular, he said, a new fresh fruit smoothies line and a fresh potato purée product – both of them launched in 2009 under the company's DimmidiSì brand – had contributed to the company's robust sales performance.

'As far as the distribution of our products is concerned, be it under the DimmidiSì or private label brands, we consolidated our relationship with the trade in 2009, a move which was essential in order to guarantee the high quality standard that characterises La Linea Verde,' Mr Bragotto added.

According to the company's results, steady growth was achieved across Europe, with particularly strong performances noted in Austria, Slovenia and Croatia.

The group also reported that its facility in Spain, Vegetales Línea Verde Navarra, which it set up 18 months ago with local cooperative AN to market DimmidiSì brand in Spain, also achieved a positive financial result for the year.