Crimson Seedless grapes

Crimson Seedless is one of the top two seedless varieties grown in Murcia

Growers in the south-eastern Spanish region of Murcia want to start a five-year promotional campaign for their seedless grapes.

Alfonso Gálvez Caravaca, general secretary of the producers’ association Asaja-Murcia, said: “It is vital to put in place an international plan for seedless grapes to add value to grower returns.”

Increased planting of the crop in the region means it is now important to come up with a supporting programme in northern and eastern European countries “to position the product better in the international arena,” added Gálvez. He suggests that any campaign should last at least five years and focus on the health benefits as well as the quality of the fruit.

Spain is Europe’s largest grower of seedless grapes with some 3,000ha under production. Crimson Seedless and Superior Seedless account for the lion’s share of output followed up by Autumn Royal and Flame Seedless. Gálvez would like to see the national farm ministry as well as the European Union back the grower-led campaign that he says would also be contributed to by the producers themselves.